Monday, June 21, 2010

SIX Rockin' Outdoors in August

The next two SIX gigs that are free and open to the public both occur the first week of August:

  • First, we'll be rockin' out on our "home turf" on the Winchester (MA) Town Common. We'll be playing on August 4th (a Wednesday) in the evening, starting sometime after 6 and going until around 8 or 8:30. We're part of the Winchester Recreational Department's "Concerts on the Common" - bring a blanket or lawn chairs, maybe a picnic dinner (an ice cream truck is often parked nearby), and the entire family (these events are very kid-friendly)
  • Then, we pack up our gear and head north to Barnard Vermont on August 7th. SIX has been invited to be part of the annual street party at the historic Barnard General Store (about a 2 and a half hour drive from Boston). SIX will be one of 2 or 3 groups playing between the store and Silver Lake. We'll be playing from roughly 5 to 8 pm. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Another great opportunity to enjoy a summer day with SIX.

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